This is quickly becoming one of my favorite things about Mondays. Last week was my last week at home on Christmas break. And I certainly did NOT start weaning Cate. She certainly has NOT taken to the sippy cup after a few days of being a skeptic. And you know, I did NOT enjoy having a full 30 minute lunch at work for the first time since I went back last April. NOT me.
Last week I also did NOT find myself crying at The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I recommend it...I really liked it).
I did NOT have a little wreck in the jogging stroller last week (we bent a piece, but we're both okay). In fact, I'm the only one with a bruise and a scrape on my shin).
I did NOT honk a bike-type horn at Cate last week while we were in a store which I thought she'd laugh at but she ended up screaming she was so scared. I mean, I would NEVER do something like that. And Eric and I did NOT keep cracking up about it afterwards.
I am NOT mad that I am still driving a rental car (but the good news is that our car will hopefully be ready by late next week).
I did NOT allow my daughter to eat unhealthy, but yummy, chocolate cake today that we took to my grandmother to celebrate her birthday. And speaking of birthdays, I did NOT spend Saturday evening getting her 1st birthday party invitations ready to go (it's only family, but I still wanted to send out cute, fun invites).
And this little girl just canNOT be 11 months old today!
Come play along with us! It's fun!
~Melody :-)
Last week I also did NOT find myself crying at The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (I recommend it...I really liked it).
I did NOT have a little wreck in the jogging stroller last week (we bent a piece, but we're both okay). In fact, I'm the only one with a bruise and a scrape on my shin).
I did NOT honk a bike-type horn at Cate last week while we were in a store which I thought she'd laugh at but she ended up screaming she was so scared. I mean, I would NEVER do something like that. And Eric and I did NOT keep cracking up about it afterwards.
I am NOT mad that I am still driving a rental car (but the good news is that our car will hopefully be ready by late next week).
I did NOT allow my daughter to eat unhealthy, but yummy, chocolate cake today that we took to my grandmother to celebrate her birthday. And speaking of birthdays, I did NOT spend Saturday evening getting her 1st birthday party invitations ready to go (it's only family, but I still wanted to send out cute, fun invites).
~Melody :-)
I did NOT spend all of yesterday by the phone waiting for a call from the library I had my second interview with last week, because I certainly did NOT realistically know that there was no way they would have their decision this early in the week.
I did NOT start to condense and pack my apartment yesterday for my (hopeful) eventual move for a new job, and I definitely did NOT decide that I own way too much stuff.
I did NOT laugh so hard I cried when my poor cat started sneezing in rapid succession last week, because it was definitely NOT one of the funniest things ever.
I did NOT fall asleep on the couch at 10PM on New Years Eve and did NOT have to be waken up at 12:05AM by my boyfriend to go fall asleep in a real bed.
(you're right, that is fun :-))
I definitely didn't cry least we weren't the lone sobbers in the theater :)
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