This is not a post about Homer Simpson. Or about doing stupid things and then saying "doh." Though this pregnancy has brought about a whole new level of forgetfulness. Rather, this is a post about Cate's discovery of Play-Doh. She's played with it at various times in the last year or so, but we didn't have much of it around our house. There were so many hot days this summer, that eventually Cate did get sick of swimming in her pool or the community pool. I had to come up with an indoor (read: in the air conditioning) activity. Play-Doh was on sale at Target a couple of weeks ago, so I picked some up. You know, the set with all the tools and cutters and stuff.

Cate got busy right away making some Play-Doh creations.

Her favorite cutter is the penguin-shaped cutter (go figure). Here she is holding up her penguin.

And here's her penguin (she insisted I photograph it by itself). I have no clue what the green object is).

Play-Doh continues to be a part of our weekly play routine. It will also be a perfect after-school activity for Mommy and Cate once school starts again soon. I think we'll both look forward to that. It will also be a good quiet activity once Brennan arrives.
~Melody :-)
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