While it's safe to say that Cate was definitely more "into" Christmas than last year, she wasn't completely herself Christmas morning either. She ran an off-and-on fever for most of Christmas Eve and woke up really hot on Christmas Day. She was only half into opening presents and checking out her new kitchen.

Until the Tylenol kicked in...

Then she started enjoying her official Cracker Barrel rocking chair (thank you Nanny and Poppy), her kitchen, play food, shopping cart, blocks, and the dozens of other toys she received. Santa, my family, and Eric's family were all way too generous.

Cate still wasn't feeling great on Saturday either, when we celebrated a little more Christmas (and a milestone birthday for my aunt) with more family that came into town. Again though, when the Tylenol kicked in, Cate was all about playing with her new Little People castle (thanks Aunt "B" and family) and her pots and pans from her Great Grandma.

Things seem to be on the mend now though. Cate was pretty much her perky, happy self on Sunday. She stayed home with Daddy and "helped" him move all of her toys down to the basement while I went to a baby shower in Maysville for one of my dear college friends, Rachel (she got a little practice in with a friend's baby).

This week's project is definitely cleaning out the toys and putting away the ones that are now too "baby-ish" for her in order to make sure she has plenty of space to enjoy the new ones. And to make room for what I'm sure will be more toys come February when Miss Cate turns 2. Cate is enjoying all of the new stuff to the fullest now that she is feeling better.
Even the pets are enjoying their Christmas presents:

(a catnip cigar for Sierra--seriously the strongest catnip ever, I had to put it in a plastic bag before putting it in her stocking because she kept trying to knock her stocking down to get it early)

(rawhide bones for Zoey)
Cate and I got something in common for Christmas this year too...electronic readers!!
Hers is a Tag Junior from Eric's parents (thanks Grandma and Poppy). Uncle Ed also gave her two books. Cate caught onto using the reader quickly and loves using it to interact with her new books.

And mine is a Kindle! I know, I have the BEST husband ever!! I absolutely love it and am thrilled to already be subscribing to
The New Yorker. I also downloaded the January book selection for my book club. Yay!

I hope all of you dear readers enjoyed a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends! Hopefully next year Cate will be a little more healthy.
~Melody :-)
1 comment:
It looks like you had a great Christmas. The Kindle seems like the perfect gift for you considering how much you read. It certainly makes it easier to take your "books" wherever you go.
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