1. Favorite gift you are GIVING this year? I'm excited to give Cate her kitchen, play food, and shopping cart. And I'm excited about something for my hubby, but he reads this and our blog imports to his Facebook too, so I can't say what it is. :-) I also think my grandma (dad's mom) will really like what we got her.
2. How many parties are you attending between now and Christmas? Not too many actually. We have one for our church small group next weekend, Eric has a small one at work, another small group+friends get together on the 22nd, a family party for Eric's family on Christmas Eve, and that's it. But I have a baby shower/open house right after Christmas and we have plans to party on New Year's.
3. What is your favorite Christmas song? I love, love, love, "Oh, Holy Night."
4. Who was your favorite elementary school teacher and why? I liked them all, but looking back on it now, Ms H. in 3rd grade had cool purses, owned a horse, and invited our whole class over to her house that summer for a pool party. And Miss B. in 4th grade really knew how to recommend some good books.
5. If you had a choice to live in any other period of time (other than now) what era would you choose and why? Hmmm...interesting question. I like most modern conveniences, so I wouldn't go too far back. I don't know that I would've been resourceful enough to live during WW2, so maybe the 50s or 60s. Not so far back that we don't have modern conveniences like cars and television (not that I watch that much), but far enough back to get away from some things that tend to distract me like computers and cell phones.
That was fun! Play along if you like.
~Melody :-)

1 comment:
I love O'Holy Night! What a great classic song! Happy Friday! Come by my blog and enter my giveaway!
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