1. Does Santa wrap the presents he leaves at your house?
Some yes and some no. This year the kitchen and the shopping cart are just too big to wrap.
2. When is your "big" Christmas celebration...Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Tell us about it...
On Christmas Eve, my husband's stepdad's family does a big celebration that we go to (if we're in town, which we will be this year). There's a lot of food and we exchange gift cards. We do the whole pick a number, steal and swap game. Christmas Day is usually spent with my side of the family. Big breakfast, opening presents, and then chilling all day (eating, playing with presents, etc.).
3. Are you big on keeping tradition every year?
We try. Last year we added a new tradition. New pajamas on Christmas Eve for everyone in the family so we all look good on Christmas morning.
4. Do colored lights or white lights tickle your fancy?
I'm a traditionalist...I love the white lights. Although as long as they're lights, I really don't care. I love Christmas lights!
5. Do you decorate outside your house for Christmas?
We put up lights, a wreath, and some window clings.
And while we're on the subject of Christmas...and since it's only a two weeks away...here's my little list.
The things money can buy:
One of these or one of these (if money were really no object), plus a case/cover to protect it. Seriously, I drool over these. But since we don't have an endless supply of it and the little things are way more fun...
I love this calendar and would love to find it in my stocking. And I need to renew my subscription to this magazine, which is easily one of my favorites. I love to read and I love movies, so books and DVDs are always on my list. I've been knitting like crazy lately too and would love some more yarn...you can never have enough can you? And since my whole body got a little rearranged with Cate's birth, I'm always in the market for some new clothes. I've also been in love with this bracelet, from my friend's company Stop Traffick Fashion. I loved the morning version of this photo book (which my hubby thoughtfully gave me last year) and am looking forward to the evening version. And this is just plain fun!
But it's the things money can't buy that I want most:
Cate has been getting 2 year molars and is a total GRUMP. I want her molars to come in and my sweet baby to come back.
And since we're not going to Northeast Ohio for Christmas this year (and they pretty much always have snow), I'd love to have a white Christmas here, in Cincinnati.
I want my dad's company to get back on sure footing so that my parents can sell their home and and finally be together in Atlanta.
I want my coaching to pay off and my Power of the Pen writers to place at their first tournament of the season next month.
And time...I just want time this Christmas...to play, to take pictures, to knit, to sew, to watch movies, to cuddle, to sleep in, to drink coffee, to reconnect, to love, and to reflect on what this season really means. With two weeks off (starting next Friday) I think I'll be getting some of this.
What do you want for Christmas?
~Melody :-)

It's so much fun to see you playing along with 5QF!
So Cate is getting a kitchen for Christmas? That seems to be the gift du jour for one year old girls this year! I think G's going to feel left out!
Yeah, the kitchen would have to just remain unwrapped. There is not enough tape or patience in this world!
I sure hope you get your Christmas wishes!
Good to "meet" you.
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