...which threw Cate off a little bit. The sky was still fairly dark at 9:00, when she finally decided to wake up. Clearly she didn't smell the pancakes Daddy had made for breakfast (I know, I have the best husband ever...he even brought me the pancakes in bed).
It was the perfect day to spend inside, playing with all kinds of toys.

We toted cargo on the train, learned about numbers at the Little People School, crashed a couple of Automoblox, and had a grand old time at the Mega Blocks castle.

And when Cate was tired of all that we tried watching a little bit of

We still don't let her really watch TV, but we do have a DVD player for the car and we're trying to find movies that keep her attention for more than a few minutes. She was interested in this one for about 15 minutes, but then her toys called her back to the floor and she didn't look up at the screen again. I think when she's confined to her carseat on our drive to Hilton Head, the movie will capture her attention more (and hopefully distract her enough that she won't cry to get out).
~Melody :-)
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