We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Friday, July 24, 2009

I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends

My friend's daughter is about 15 months older than Cate. Cate still doesn't really "get" how to interact with other kids. Sure, she plays, but she doesn't understand things like sharing and taking turns. We're working on it though. Yesterday she had a pretty successful playdate. As Cate catches up in maturity and socially, she has better and better interactions with other kids. I think they're going to be great friends.
And speaking of development, Cate is getting pretty good at feeding herself oatmeal with a spoon. Her control of the spoon isn't steady enough to try things that won't stick to the spoon. But oatmeal is definitely a start.
Like the Paddington bib?


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