We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Friday, October 2, 2009

I May Be MIA For Awhile

Not because I'm going anywhere-- though one of my dreams is for Eric to arrange childcare for Cate, pack my bags, and whisk me off to a beach somewhere for a weekend.  But because our computer is having some major problems.

It's user error-- Macs are still the best.  And I won't go into the details except to say that I was not the user who made the error.  And I am praying that we have not lost the 2,000 or so pictures we had stored in iPhoto, the 5,000 or so songs we had in iTunes, and the countless tax documents, papers from grad school, papers from undergrad, addresses we'd stored, etc.  It seems like a petty and insignificant thing to pray for, but it really is a big deal for me.  You know it's bad when the people at the Mac Store Genius Bar tell you to take your computer elsewhere to see if they (the people at "elsewhere") can recover everything from your hard drive before reinstalling the operating system on your computer.

In the meantime we have a borrowed computer to use.  I can't upload photos to it-- unless they're from my phone and I email them to myself.  Like this one of Cate:

This was at the library earlier this week.  She loved this little shape-sorting peg board.  And speaking of loving our library...if you live in our area, there is a very important issue coming up on the November 3rd ballot.  Issue 7 is an important library levy.  If it doesn't pass, many branches will be in danger of closing.  And the levy will only cost the average homeowner $2.50/month.  I don't know about you, but we use our library a lot.  And it's always busy-- kids being tutored, adults applying for jobs, teenagers writing their first resumes, story-times, summer programs, sewing clubs, outreaches to the elderly, etc.  Keep our libraries and their invaluable, often-free, programs alive by voting "yes."

Until I can post again...have a good weekend.  And enjoy this poem about Cate that my awesome Aunt "B" wrote.

~Melody :-)

P.S.  And if it doesn't seem too insignificant to you too, would you mind lifting up a little prayer for the recovery of our hard drive for us?  We do have a several things backed up on an external hard-drive, but we still stand to lose a lot.  Thanks.


Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

Your computer (and its missing files) are definitely in my prayers! I've been in the process of uploading all my pictures to a third-party storage site for this exact reason. As you told me earlier, hang in there!

Jill (Lady Lazarus) said...

Having lost documents and such in the past, I totally understand. It's not insignificant at all!

And yay for getting the word out about your library levy! I know I obviously don't work at your library, but I think sometimes people take them for granted. Trust me, once libraries start closing they'll realize how important they are, but by then it may be too late to save them.