As a mom there are so many things I refuse to let myself feel guilty about...like letting Cate eat two, sugary cookies before heading home for dinner from the pumpkin patch on Sunday OR taking my clothes straight from the laundry basket until the basket is empty because I'm too lazy to put them away. No guilt. This weekly confessional, started by MckMama definitely plays a role in helping me let go of that guilt.
Like this week-- I did NOT let Cate climb onto a slightly unsteady chair to "help" her daddy make pancakes.
We are responsible parents and would NEVER let our precious babe stand so close to a hot griddle. And I would NEVER take pictures to document it.
Cate is a good napper and this weekend I did NOT snap this picture of her sleeping (which did NOT wake her up).Good thing we needed her to get up so that we could make it to our pumpkin patch outing.
Yeah, and that is NOT a pacifier in her mouth (and another one next to her). Our 20.5 month old has totally kicked the pacifier habit during sleep time. I was NOT totally excited about the fact that she sleeps like me-- on her tummy with one arm tucked under her. That would be a ridiculous thing to be excited about (unless you live in my world where everyone always comments on how much like her daddy Cate looks).
And while I didn't document this in photos...I did NOT eat Ramen noodles...3 times... in 3 days. That would be so unhealthy and we are very healthy people around here. We do NOT give into the laziness of Ramen (not for Cate, I promise...we do actually pay close attention to what she eats).
So what have you NOT been up to?
~Melody :-)
Seeing Cate with her binky firmly in place during naptime makes me feel better about G still using one! Honestly, as long as it helps her sleep, I'm all for it!
I love Ramen! (I try to be healthy too, but sometimes the speed just makes it better than the nutrition.) I don't have kids, but I'm thinking that as long as you potty train and the binky's gone by the time they start school, what's the big deal? ;)
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