In the meantime, Cate has developed a love affair with this book:
I love the illustrations in the book and remember reading it as an elementary school kid. When I saw the over-sized board book edition at Barnes and Noble last year, I couldn't resist. It had a few too many words for Cate to really sit still long enough to read it...until now.
It's been one of the two books she's requested over and over again lately. I think I just about have it memorized. Her other book of obsession is one we checked out from the library a week or so ago. 

The Little Train is also a little more wordy than the books Cate typically sits still for, but I'm pretty sure we've read it to her at least 50 times int he last week...most of those times being this weekend.
Eric and Cate got out for some fresh air this evening and stopped by the local comic book store up the street from us. Cate was so cute as she walked in the door with a big "Hi, Mommy" and handed me this:
I'm not a big comic book fan, but I am a big Colbie Caillat fan. I absolutely love her music! Shortly after school started, Colbie's new CD came out. While reading reviews of it online, I stumbled across a fan site that discussed her cameo in a Veronica comic book. I mentioned it to Eric, and I think he actually went up to the store to check for it back in September, but couldn't find it. I'd pretty much forgotten about it until they came back from their walk this afternoon. It's a cute story. :-)
And because my husband is amazing and knows my reading tastes pretty well, he picked up this for me a couple of weekends ago:
I loved The Time Traveler's Wife and have been waiting ever since I finished it for another novel. Finally, Niffenegger delivers. I've been pretty busy at school and here at home, obviously, so I haven't been able to read as much as I would like, but I'm about 40 pages in and am really enjoying it so far. Hopefully it won't disappoint.
What have you been reading lately?
~Melody :-)
1 comment:
I've read "How to Write a Novel," "Reasoning & Writing Well," "Writing With Style," and Dr. Dobson's Devotions for Couples. Please recommend something adult, fiction, and brief. I could use about an hour of distraction from NaNoWriMo!
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