I am not a professional photographer. Not even close. And I don't aspire to be one. But I do enjoy taking pictures.
In college I asked my parents one Christmas for a "real" camera. You know, one with interchangeable lenses and filters and stuff. I later learned that these are called SLR cameras. Santa left me one under the tree that year and I was hooked. Digital cameras were just starting to gain popularity and were really expensive, so I was perfectly happy to snap away with my new camera and get my film developed.
Flash forward several years later and I now have a very active one-year-old. We've had two digital cameras (point and shoots) since we got married and that's what I primarily use when taking pictures of Cate. I love her, but film is expensive to develop and if not all of your shots are going to turn out because your subject keeps moving...well...my habit was getting expensive.
I've wanted a Digital SLR for a couple of years now, but they've never been in our price range. Finally, they have come down enough in price, and we've saved enough money, to get one. And what a difference it makes.
More to come as I learn all the new tricks my camera can do.
~Melody :-)
Love the new iPhoto...and your shots of Cate, too!
So Beautiful!! We have a little zoey dog too, his name is henry and we love him and Scottie(9 yrs) and cats Baby and Ms. Kitty because she is so prettywe should have named her Ms. Hissy!
Wow! There really is a difference with the new camera. You didn't say what kind it is....do share!
Yes, do share,what camera is this?
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