It's confession time everybody. Time to admit all of those things you would most certainly, never ever, in a million years, do because you're perfect and don't make mistakes. Get more of your NOT ME MONDAY fix over at the MckMama blog.
After spinning on my bike for 2 hours on Saturday and NOT being able to feel my rear-end afterwards, I did NOT think that next time I have a baby I may just skip the epidural and get on a bike since they both have the same numbing effect, but my legs don't swell up on the bike.
I did NOT put on navy blue socks with black pants this week at school. We're talking closer to blue than to black kind of navy. And I did NOT notice it as I was talking to another teacher and since it seemed to consume my brain for the moment, I did NOT point it out in the middle of our conversation.
And while we're on the topic of socks, I did NOT wear the same pair on for almost 24 hours. I mean when I finally got dressed Saturday (I had a bike workout and some other things to do so I didn't get dressed until about 3:00), I didn't do so with the goal of wearing my socks until almost the same time Sunday afternoon. I just happened to fall asleep in said socks and since I had showered so late on Saturday, I just left them on when I got dressed on Sunday.
I was NOT tired Sunday morning because I was out quasi-late on Saturday night-- well, late for me anyway. I did NOT get to go see a movie with a girlfriend that I've recently become re-acquainted with through the wonders of Facebook. And I did NOT think "He's Just Not That Into You" was a pretty darn cute movie.
I did NOT channel my inner Martha Stewart this weekend as I made baby shower invitations for a friend who just found out she's having a girl. And they did NOT turn out really stinking cute! In fact, I have NOT been in a crafty mood for the last couple of weeks (hence the knitting, and cleaning out my craft supplies, and buying new craft supplies). I have NOT already started a folder on our computer with cute little craft projects I can do with Cate when she's older.
And since we're talking about Cate and handmade things, Cate did NOT look so adorable in the dress my grandmother (dad's mom) handmade for me for my first birthday.
The sweater is of course new, but the dress was mine. It was cold out on the way to church. Luckily there is still some growing room in this dress, so Cate will get plenty of use out of it (and a few others that my grandmother made originally for me) this spring.
In fact, while visiting my grandmother on Friday night so that she could fix a zipper on my jacket, I did NOT pick out a few baby clothes patterns that she had saved and that she is going to teach me how to make this spring/summer! Now I get to have fun picking out cute fabric.
Ahhh...I feel so much better. It's your turn now...let the confessions begin.
~Melody :-)
After spinning on my bike for 2 hours on Saturday and NOT being able to feel my rear-end afterwards, I did NOT think that next time I have a baby I may just skip the epidural and get on a bike since they both have the same numbing effect, but my legs don't swell up on the bike.
I did NOT put on navy blue socks with black pants this week at school. We're talking closer to blue than to black kind of navy. And I did NOT notice it as I was talking to another teacher and since it seemed to consume my brain for the moment, I did NOT point it out in the middle of our conversation.
And while we're on the topic of socks, I did NOT wear the same pair on for almost 24 hours. I mean when I finally got dressed Saturday (I had a bike workout and some other things to do so I didn't get dressed until about 3:00), I didn't do so with the goal of wearing my socks until almost the same time Sunday afternoon. I just happened to fall asleep in said socks and since I had showered so late on Saturday, I just left them on when I got dressed on Sunday.
I was NOT tired Sunday morning because I was out quasi-late on Saturday night-- well, late for me anyway. I did NOT get to go see a movie with a girlfriend that I've recently become re-acquainted with through the wonders of Facebook. And I did NOT think "He's Just Not That Into You" was a pretty darn cute movie.
I did NOT channel my inner Martha Stewart this weekend as I made baby shower invitations for a friend who just found out she's having a girl. And they did NOT turn out really stinking cute! In fact, I have NOT been in a crafty mood for the last couple of weeks (hence the knitting, and cleaning out my craft supplies, and buying new craft supplies). I have NOT already started a folder on our computer with cute little craft projects I can do with Cate when she's older.
Ahhh...I feel so much better. It's your turn now...let the confessions begin.
~Melody :-)
ummm cute, cute card!! what a blessing to be able to raise an adorable baby, and blog and craft and knit AND keep it all organized!!
i'm not worthy!!
seriously, cute stuff. don't stop creating!
Cate is absolutely adorable! I would have to say that the only thing worse than wearing the wrong color socks is discovering that you are wearing two different shoes to work and the only reason you discovered it was because they made a different sound as you were walking down the hall. That was totally not me and I did not use pregnancy hormones as an excuse.
Thanks for the laughs!
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