We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

12 Month Checkup

Cate had her 12 month checkup today. We are up to 21 pounds 4 ounces! She's just under 31 inches tall. Basically her height is in the 90th percentile while her weight is down around the 50th...so far she's tall and skinny (taking after her Aunt Catherine I see). Our pediatrician said everything looked great with her and Cate only screamed for about 5 seconds when she got her one shot (in the arm this time instead of the leg...what a big girl).

We expressed our concern that Cate doesn't really like veggies. It's mostly the texture of them, because she will eat baby food veggies (until she gets tired of us feeding her- she's so independent) or will eat veggies if they're mixed in with her pasta or mashed potatoes or something (but again, gets tired when we're feeding her this kind of stuff). The doctor suggested peppers since they're sweeter, but have the same nutritional value as the veggies she spits out (mainly broccoli and green beans). Luckily we had a red and green pepper at home. She ate slices of both and really seemed to like them. Hooray! The doctor also suggested putting a little cheese on her veggies since she likes cheese so much. I guess we'll try that next.

Tonight Eric, Cate, and I did something we haven't done for awhile. We headed through the Starbucks drive though and then went for a drive. For the first few weeks post-partum, I couldn't drive and was overwhelmed at the thought of taking Cate somewhere on my own. But I had to get out of the house. So just about every night, we'd do just what we did tonight. Eric had a gift card from commanding a great cheer station at the marathon in Phoenix and we had extra money in our gas budget since I had snow days a couple of weeks ago. It was fun to reminisce. We explored the Kentucky side of the river this time and found quite a few little shops and restaurants we want to check out.

Sorry no pictures to post, but I for my faithful few readers and family I wanted to make sure you got your Cate checkup update. :-)

~Melody :-)

1 comment:

Aunt B and 3 said...

Dearest Rex and Regina Riggs (a/k/a King and Queen Riggs):

As to that "No way no how" veggie issue plaguing Princess Cate...check with Great Uncle Ed and Great Grannie Shook and she'll school you on just HOW many ways one can hide veggies in other foods!lol Have a great Abe's Day and I'll see you up North. Love Aunt ~B~