Over the weekend I traveled with Cate and my grandma to Hudson, OH. My awesome hubby stayed here and cleaned the entire house....like really, really, cleaned it (and bought fresh flowers). He even endured some of the colder night temperatures we had here to keep the windows cracked so that the house would really air out.
I did a little sewing on my mom's machine while I was up there (pictures to come later), graded a few papers, met a friend and her son for lunch, and did a little reading (I started Love and War by John and Stasi Eldredge-- hubby and I are reading it together and it's great so far-- as well Brief Encounters with Che Guevara by Ben Fountain-- a book of short stories that's also captured me so far).
But my real reason for making the trek up I-71 was for one of my dearest friend's bridal shower. Her sister went to culinary school so the food was to. die. for. It was great to see her and the other bridesmaids as well as to meet some of her family. I wished she lived closer because she got some awesome kitchen gadgets and she cooks well too. I'd be over there every night for dinner.
You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you that I didn't take a single picture the entire weekend, but that's the truth. I pilfered this one of me with the bride (the one standing next to me with the ribbon bouquet I fashioned as she opened gifts) and 3 of the 5 other bridesmaids from Facebook.

It was a good trip despite Cate's upper 2-year molars deciding to make an appearance and rendering her grumpy. We'll be heading back up in a couple of weeks for my sister's sorority family day. I'm looking forward to more time to spend with family.
~Melody :-)
I have to say, I love that picture of all of us. It was great seeing you! I hope you're bringing Cate to the wedding, I can't wait to meet her :-)
Okay, I know those heels are high, but DANG those are cute shoes. It will be totally worth it.
Cute shoes. From someone who wears high heels every day, you just need to wear them and walk around - as much as possible!
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