Cate has been going to bed with at least two hours of daylight left for the past week or so (that's at about 7/7:15). The picture was taken after she fell asleep in the car last night at 7:30! All of this swimming, playing outside, reading lots of books, chalking the driveway, and enjoying summer at home with mommy in general is wearing her out.

Yesterday Cate was especially worn out by going to Gymboree class with her two friends, Anna and Tessa (daughters of my friends Mikala and Laura, both of with whom I teach).

Cate shot baskets (Aunt Catherine, a basketball player herself, would be especially proud). We may have to get her a small hoop for outside and for the basement (once we get it carpeted and it becomes our big indoor playspace).

But mostly she just ran around and got into everything.

She was a big fan of this rocker.

Here are the girls: Anna, Cate, and Tessa. It is impossible to get three toddlers to look at the camera at the same time.

Cate came home and napped for about 2 hours after this play date. We went swimming later on in the evening at Eric's parents' neighborhood pool. Clearly Miss Cate was just plain worn out last night.
~Melody :-)
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