While it stunk to not have Eric to spend my birthday with, Cate and my grandmother were great company. Before we left for my grandma's house, Cate played in her swing on the front porch while I blew bubbles. She cracked up every time a bubble was close enough to pop. We iChatted with my mom and sister for a bit and even got Cate to take a couple of steps on her own. The rain let up long enough to take a walk after dinner with my grandmother and again with our dog, Zoey, when we got home. And Cate went to bed like a champ. Actually, for the last week or so now, she has not wanted to be rocked to sleep. She takes her bath, eats her snack, drinks some milk while we read to her, we pray with her, and then set her in her crib. If she cries, it doesn't last longer than 30 seconds, but she usually just rolls over and coos herself to sleep. I'm glad she's independent, but I kind of miss the snuggly, rocking time we used to enjoy.
After she went to bed, I got to enjoy one of my birthday presents from Eric: a subscription to Seeing the Everyday magazine. This magazine is choc-full of great writing and photography, but the best part is that it is completely advertisement free! I don't think my husband, who has celebrated my last seven birthdays with me, has ever given me a gift I didn't love. Accompanying my new magazine subscription were a pair of beautiful pearl earrings (perfect for summer) and a cute summery purse from a woman whose designs on Etsy I simply love.
And to top it all off, when Eric did arrive home, we stayed up late (way too late for me on a school night, but oh well), enjoying our new Wii Fit. The Wii Fit does an analysis of your body using your weight (the balance board can weigh you), a balance analysis, and a couple of other things to determine your Wii Fit age vs. your actual age. So on my 27th birthday, my Wii-Fit let me know I was in pretty good shape for my age, with a Wii Fit age of 29. Not bad. What is bad is my balance...I am HORRIBLE at the balance games. I have to say though that the "games" on the Wii Fit really do give you a workout. I was a little sweaty by the time we were done playing and headed to bed. And since my grandmother sent me home with the leftover Boston Cream Pie, I'll need the extra workouts. :-) Or maybe I'll just let her eat it all:

It sounds like a very full, fun birthday. Hope it was a happy one!
Happy Belated Birthday, Melody! What a lovely day. I loved your introspective comment on rocking Cate to sleep. Looks like she is growing into a full-fledged little girl.... :-)
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