Cate turns 14 months old today. She seems to be in much better spirits, and would probably be even less grumpy if we'd let her eat the foods she loves (cheese, milk, etc.). But we're sticking to the bland diet for one more night, just to be safe.
She did allow me to take a few pictures of her outside. Eric did some great work planting some tulips in our front flower bed. Normally we don't start work on our flower bed until early summer, because we're lazy and aren't so great at yard work. This year we were feeling a little more inspired. I'll be sure to take some pictures when they bloom. I think our next project may be painting our front steps, which are also pictured below ;-)

While at Target, we picked up a small Little People set with two figurines and a sand castle (in case you were wondering what she's holding onto). My brother, sister, and I all loved playing with Little People as kids and Cate is getting to the age where she can start enjoying them. In fact, she's getting some Easter ones in her Easter basket. I went online the other day, and they actually have small Little People sets for each holiday, including a manger scene.

Anyway, we're thankful our peanut is feeling better and that we can start off the week with no illness. I only have 4 days this week and then spring break!!! Finally!!
~Melody :-)
I'm glad Cate's feeling better -- for her sake and yours!
And I loved Little People, too. My mom still buys them for her Preschool class to play with.
Isn't it the worst when the baby is sick??? We went through it a few weeks ago. I am glad she is feeling better!!! :)
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