I am thankful for flexibility in our jobs that allows us to care for Cate.
I am thankful for our pets who entertain me regularly.
I am thankful for the yummy lunches Eric packs (yes, he does pack my lunch everyday).
I am thankful for Eric and Cate and how much joy they bless me with.
I am thankful for Paris (we went on our honeymoon there and it was absolutely wonderful).
I am thankful for laughter, especially when we laugh so hard we cry.
I am thankful for the blessing of family.
I am thankful for patience and forgiveness.
I am thankful for being closer to financial peace.
I am thankful for being able to share my relationship with God with my family.
I am thankful for a wife who sacrifices a lot for me and Cate.
I am thankful for Cate's cries so she can let us know when she's in pain.
Cate: (okay, so I wrote this one after watching Cate and Eric reading together one night last week)
I am thankful that you read to me Daddy.
And from those who played along by commenting on an earlier post:
Kristin (Eric's Sister):
I'm thankful that no matter where I go, in life, and on earth, I know there will always be people back home who love me and support me no matter what. Love you guys!
Leanne (Friend and fellow blogger, check out It's a Blair Life on our blogroll):
I am thankful for synthetic insulin (as noted on my blog post, which is similar to your post). Without it, my husband would not be here today ! :) And I am thankful for him, so indirectly I am more than thankful for insulin! :)
Cecily (Friend from Hudson...we've known each other since middle school- also a fellow blogger, check out 100musings on our blogroll):
I am thankful for each and every day, the good ones and the bad ones, for each helping hand, each moment of kindness. I am thankful for the world around us, for music, for food, for babies, for warm fireplaces and woolen socks. For dancing, for little old ladies on park benches, for strength in times of trouble, for a tiny star shining brightly in a completely black sky night. I am thankful for work, for toil, for studies, for health. For life, for love, and for friendship. I enjoy reading your blog. Keep writing.
Well said by all three! You can still play along if you'd like. To leave a comment, go to the end of this post and click on the comments (sometimes there is a number next to the word comment to show how many have been left). When the comment window opens, you should be able to type your comment. Then either input your GMAIL username and password, or click on Open ID. Under Open ID you can select another platform you may be using or just simply type your name. Type in the security verification word or letters, and then publish your comment. It's that easy and we'd love to hear what you're thankful for.
I'll leave you with a few pictures from Cate's first Thanksgiving. She wasn't crazy about the turkey, but loved the green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and corn pudding.
This first picture is from this morning. While Eric raked leaves, Cate and I headed up to our local convenience store to pick up a paper. I love looking at the turkey coloring contest winners in the paper every year and wanted to see if there's anything worth getting up early for tomorrow. I figured that wearing her would create more body heat.
Happy Thanksgiving!
~Melody :-)
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