...will probably be a toy lawnmower. Cate was fascinated by Eric mowing the lawn yesterday.

She pushed a little walking bike backwards (you're supposed to sit on it and push it forward with your feet-- Cate stood on the other side of the handlebars and pushed it like a shopping cart) like a lawnmower all over the yard.

We have a few little dips and patches of thick grasses in our yard, but Cate never gave up.

She pretty much followed Eric around the yard with her "lawnmower" the entire half hour he was actually mowing.

Then the "lawnmower" wrecked, Eric finished, and we headed inside. I'm on the lookout for a toy one now though.

I am taking a break from Not Me Monday this week as I really don't have anything to confess...really...I promise. I will say I did speak a little too soon in yesterday's post though. Around dinner time, some of my same old symptoms decided to come visiting (even though I'd been 36 hours without them and without medicine). The good news is that taking the medicine worked quickly and I was able to eat some dinner and feel quasi-normal the rest of the evening. The bad news is that I woke up a couple of times last night and this morning feeling some of the nausea again. I called the GI doc to see if there was any way to come in earlier or get some of the results from the hospital tests earlier...I should hear from them by tomorrow. Part of me figures that if it were something serious, they would've told me by now. I'm still remaining confident that this is something that will all be over soon. Thanks again to everyone who has been praying for my recovery.
~Melody :-)
Try Target for the lawnmower. I bought one there as a gift for someone and it blows bubbles! Maybe Cate would like it!
Hi Mama Mel,
We are all praying for you and rejoicing over anytime you feel better and looking forward to more good reports. Cate is such a precious toddler (reminds me of a certain niece of mine about 26 springs ago) Give hugs to all from Aunt B and 3
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