Yup, you guessed it...Miss Cate can now roll from her back to her tummy. Somewhere around 4 this morning we heard her quietly cooing on the monitor and we knew that she had lost her pacifier (which sometimes she wakes up as a result of this). Eric went in to stick it back in her mouth and realized Cate was on her stomach! As a concerned Daddy, he gently rolled her back over onto her back. We've been putting her on her back since birth at the recommendation of the hospital doctors and our pediatrician. The
"Back to Sleep" campaign was started to help reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), which is also known as crib death. And since the shift has been made to put infants to bed on their backs, the number of SIDS deaths has decreased (although no one still really knows what causes it). However, when I went to check on her this morning (since she's still sleeping at 8am), she was back on her tummy, dreaming her sweet baby dreams. I guess she's going to be a tummy sleeper like her mom. Besides, once babies can roll over and get comfortable on their own, there usually isn't a problem with them sleeping on their tummies. They're just going to go right back onto their tummies (or wake up grumpy) if you roll them back over. Cate is just growing up and learning new things so fast.

We're also hoping this will help with the plagiosephaly that Cate has developed (basically a flat spot on her head). Our appointment with the specialist isn't until August and our pediatrician said it's really only a mild case and may even correct itself, but urged us to make the appointment just in case. Hopefully we won't end up needing it.
Yesterday afternoon, we spent some time outside. Cate was content to look around and play with her toys on a blanket while mommy snapped pictures and read a little bit. It was time well spent in the shade.

Then last night we went to say goodbye to my cousins. Ben, who is actually my 3rd cousin, his wife Sherry, and their two kids, Calvin and Mary Katherine, have been living in Cincinnati since before Eric and I got married while Ben completed his residency. They are now off to Charlottesville, Virginia where he'll be doing a plastic surgery fellowship. We'll miss them a lot and wish them the best of luck.

(Sherry is a wonderful Mary Kay consultant if you need one...we (my grandmother, Cate, and I) stopped by her last meeting to say goodbye to her and then headed to the park to say goodbye to Ben and the kiddos)
~Melody :-)
1 comment:
Hello Riggs Family!
It's been a while since I've checked out the page...but I'm glad I did today! What a blessing Cate is. She's beautiful...and I'm glad to hear/read she's rolling over.
I hope you are all 3 having a great day. Hope to visit soon.
Love, Rachel
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