The best girls really are from Cincinnati :-) But maybe I'm just biased since I was born here too. :-)

Our summer in Cincinnati adventures continue! Tonight we packed a picnic basket full of yummy Panera treats (I had giftcards from my students to use) and headed up the street to the park and community center. Cate napped the whole way up there and through all of dinner. We were afraid at first that she might sleep through our real objective though...the pool. I wanted to make sure that Daddy was there for her first swimming experience...and she did wake up. So here are some of our favorite pictures from the evening.

Seeing as her head circumference is in the 90th percentile (can you say future valedictorian...just kidding), her swim top didn't fit. So we'll probably be buying a new swimsuit this week since she only has one other one. Thankfully Cate has no modesty and has a preference for being naked anyway.

The little handle on the front of Cate's float made a perfect teether too.
When we were done swimming, it was time to feed Cate. At the advice of our pediatrician, we can start giving her some yellow fruits (applesauce, bananas, pears), introducing one new one every week or so to make sure there are no allergies. Cate and I had stopped at Whole Foods earlier to pick up some applesauce (since the doc. recommended organic stuff), so that's what we're doing for this week. Eric and I want to make our own baby food, and our task for the weekend will be to read up on how to do for now, this seems to work. Cate stuck out her tongue and made a face at the new taste...but otherwise didn't complain. Hopefully she won't have an allergy because I love apples and can't wait to introduce her to the winning apples/peanut butter combination when she's older :-)

We headed home tired and sun-kissed. :-) The pool is awesome. If you're interested in joining, it's only $10/family member for the whole summer. And you can get into any of the
CRC pools. Keep in mind though that these are your basic neighborhood pools...there aren't lounge chairs for sunbathing or anything like that...but with a kiddo in tow (accompanied by the fact that I'm paranoid about skin cancer and wish I would've been more careful when I use to fry myself as a high school and college student), those sunbathing days are over anyway.
~Melody :-)
PS...I wanted to post a picture of Cate in the totally adorable shirt she had on today (thanks Andrea). I love that Pottery Barn makes clothes for babies too (as if I didn't already have enough stuff that I want from there).
Cate is absolutely too cute. Thanks for visiting my blog and adding me to your blogroll.
Oh, and I love Over the Rhine. It's one of my favorite CDs.
I made the strawberry lemonade today and it was wonderful. It will definitely become a summertime staple in our house. Thanks for the tip!
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