Then it was off to church. Cate had on an especially cute outfit that my dad's boss and his wife picked out for Cate. It's totally cute!
All in all, the last 3 days haven't been too bad. Cate has been unbelievably crying...just a little bit of whining every once in a while. She's amazing. She amused herself when I needed to get things done and was a happy eater and napper and go-anywhere-er all weekend. But I really miss Eric and I think Cate misses her daddy. We're kind of done with our Tour de Cincinnati and hanging out and are ready to be a family of 3 again. Eric gets home on Tuesday night...we can't wait! I know I'll look back on this weekend in the future as time very well spent and I may even wish for it again. I'm savoring all of the time I'm getting to spend with Miss Cate, but like I said, nothing beats it when daddy's home.
Tomorrow and Tuesday are my last two days with students and then I'm free for the summer! Woo hoo!
~Melody :-)
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