Last night I also had the privilege of taking my baby girl to church for the mother/daughter banquet. The theme was Cheerleaders/Go Team and Cate and I joined my grandmother. Cate looked adorable in her Miami polo onesie and khaki can't really see it that well from the picture.
Eric also weeded our flower bed out front and got it to look amazing yesterday. You'll have to come by and see it. It was almost dark when he finished and rainy today, so we haven't been able to take a picture.
I have to say, I love being a mom and feel absolutely blessed to have the little girl I have in my life. And I'm thankful for my own mom as well...I wouldn't be the mom I am today without her example. I'm thankful that I have a supportive husband who helps me raise our little girl...he's a wonderful father. I'm thankful that God has given us the means to provide for our little girl. I get frustrated sometimes when I read articles or posts on Cincymoms or other websites where women think that only stay-at-home-moms are full-time moms and that working moms have it easier. Or that working moms are wrong to be working. I think all moms are full time moms. I think about Cate all the time when I'm at work and can't wait to get home to her. But I have to work. My students need me and I like my job. God put me at that school for a reason. Eric and I both love our jobs, but as a public school teacher and a non-profit worker, a single-income home isn't even feasible.
Even though it's sometimes tough to leave her, I know Cate is in good hands. She's getting 1 on 1 attention from my grandmother, whose watching her right now (and 2 on 1 attention most of the time because my Uncle is there too). I know that by working, we can help her go to college, travel, and experience all of the blessings life has to offer...things my parents worked to give me. I'm lucky though. Of the 365 days in a year, I only work 185 of them. I finished my Master's last summer, so I don't have to worry about going back to school. That gives me 180 full days to be with Cate. Plus, with the way our schedules work out, Cate is only with someone else for 6 hours a day.
The last 3 months or so have been amazing. Cate is growing everyday and I never ceased to be awed by the miracle that she truly is. I pray every night that she'll come to know and love and worship the God her daddy and I know and love and worship. I pray she'll outlive us both. I pray she'll always know how much I love her. And I give thanks that I'm her mom. It's worth the spit up, extra laundry, dirty diapers, and tears to see her smile back at me. And here's a little glimpse at what we get every day.
~Melody :-)
I think she was trying to say Ry Ry!!!! haha, She's so cute;)
She is too cute! I love her little voice! Just wait until she starts saying mama and dada! :) Caroline said "dog-dog" for the first time yesterday. It was hilarious! :) You're doing a great job with your little peanut and she truly is beautiful!
Melody, what a beautiful,wonderful family you have! Also I saw your wedding picture-You have grown from adorable smart little girl!!To a beautiful young woman inside and out!
Oh my goodness.....we watch this clip almost everyday for a "Cate-fix." All the better in person so we can love on her little self! See you in June, ~Aunt B~
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