We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Santa Baby

...loved Santa as a baby.

Last Friday, Brennan put on on the same outfit his big sis wore the first time she met the man in red. I realize it's not his first Christmas-- but he was two days old on his first Christmas last year and we were still in the hospital due to jaundice. Anyway... the outfit may have been the same. The reaction was not. Brennan pretty much cried the whole time he sat on Santa's lap. Sorry for the poor picture quality too-- there were no pictures allowed "on set" like there have been in previous years. We had to commemorate the moment though, so we bought the overpriced 5 x 7 and this is a photo from my phone of that photo.

Oh well, maybe next year.

And on a random note, the song "Santa, Baby" came on the radio the other day-- on one of the stations that's playing all Christmas music all the time until December 26th. We didn't think Cate was paying that much attention, but then she asked us why the singer was calling Santa a baby. Ummm....

After church today she made a little box that had some straw, a piece of fabric, a small plastic pacifier, and a small plastic dog. The point of making the box was for her to use it to understand and tell the Christmas story-- that Jesus was God's gift to people and he came as a baby. He was born in a barn with animals and as Cate said, "wrapped up like a burrito" because the hay was itchy and he needed to stay warm.

Needless to say, we are in the Christmas spirit around here.

~Melody :-)


Lynn said...

Cool new look to your blog....love it!

Carly said...

I love your new blog design. Sorry Brennan didn't like Santa, but the picture ended up really cute. It's a bummer that they didn't let you take a picture with your camera!