Anyway...the event that truly consumed our weekend was The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Race to Anyplace.
Race to Anyplace is essentially a 6 hour team spinning event. Teams of 12 each raise a minimum of $500 and then take turns riding 15 minute shifts on a spinning bike (set to a very high resistance to make it extra difficult). Since Eric works for LLS (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society), he spent most of Friday night setting up for the event, which was held in the lobby of a large downtown office building.
And then he was there ALL DAY Saturday for the event. I couldn't let the opportunity to cycle pass me by...and the Race to Anyplace was a great chance to see some of my Team in Training cycling friends (some who rode on our team, some who rode for other spinning teams).
So I headed down to take my turn on the spinning bike.

I encourage you all to check out Race to Anyplace and see if there's an event near you. It's sure to be a fun, if not exhausting day.
~Melody :-)
PS...My legs are still killing me.
PPS...In other LLS news, my homeroom at school raised over $420 for Pasta for Pennies, another LLS campaign. So now, I'm getting duct taped to the wall (we made a bet on our team that the homeroom who raised the most would get to duct tape their teacher to the wall). Pictures will be forthcoming when this actually happens and if I actually approve them to be on this blog. :-)
Cate is super cute in her outfit! I am impressed that your class was able to raise so much money! We had the same event at my school, but my class raised $15 at best. I am looking forward to the pictures of you with the duct tape!!
I cannot get over how adorable Cate looks in her cycling clothes. Where did you find cycling gear for toddlers?
I am so impressed you biked-- without the benefit of beautiful scenery-- in one place for that long. You're amazing, Mel!
Confessions From A Working Mom
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