Mommy and Daddy both took off work today to celebrate two years with our sweet girl. There were balloons waiting for her when she woke up.

And a special new cup...personalized with Cate's name and pictures of some of her favorite things.

And of course there were presents.

Oh were there ever presents.

The train table was her big gift from Mommy and Daddy today. Cate is in love with it and it kept her occupied while we got ready to head out for the day (more on that later).

But there were also some books and some Brainquest cards (the toddler edition).

And a couple of toddler games (we've played one already and are amazed that Cate understands the concept of taking turns). We're so excited to be able to have "family game night" now with her. Which might be every night judging from her enthusiasm.

After a breakfast of yummy Cate-cakes (pancakes)...we headed out to
Entertrainment Junction-- the world's largest indoor train display. Cate was in heaven!

She was mesmerized by the displays and getting to push buttons that made some of the trains go.

She loved getting to shovel coal with Daddy and play on the train playground in the kids' area.

But we're pretty sure her favorite thing to do was take a ride on Annie and Clarabel...pulled by Thomas of course. It wasn't very crowded there today, so the driver controlling Thomas let Cate ride about 5 or 6 times in a row (and since it was her birthday and all).

Tonight we're having a quiet dinner at home. Tomorrow is her big party with our family and friends. We're so excited. The Elmo pinata is ready to go (don't worry, it's one that the kids just pull ribbons on and one lucky ribbon triggers the trap door to let out the candy). The cupcakes are made and just need to be frosted. A cake is still in order (yes, there will be THAT many people that we require cupcakes and a cake). And the house still needs a bit of a cleaning. But it will all come together by tomorrow.
Happy 2nd Birthday sweet girl!
~Melody :-)
Love the photos! We received "Silly Sally" in hard book form for Norah at our shower. Love the train table! Happy 2nd birthday, sweet girl!
Happy Birthday, Miss Cate! We wish you a fun birthday weekend and many, many, many more happy years to come!
It looks like she had a BALL on her birthday! I have to ask, did she "get it" yet? I am wondering whether G will get the holidays, her birthday, etc. next year when she's two!!!
Confessions From A Working Mom
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