I'm confessing along with others today at MckMama's weekly confessional.
Despite being a seasoned and avid skier, I am NOT sick of the snow (this probably does NOT have anything to do with the fact that I haven't gotten a chance to ski all season...oh the things we do NOT give up in the name of motherhood).
We were NOT greeted to more snow this morning after getting dumped on last weekend right before Cate's party and last week (I had two snow days and a two hour delay). I am NOT just a little ticked off that today's white death (our worst snowstorm so far) came on a holiday (President's Day for all of you who don't get today off and don't know what today is) and I was already off school.
But instead of whining I did NOT bundle up Cate to go play in the snow.

~Melody :-)
1 comment:
I'm impressed that you didn't give in and drink the entire bottle of wine in one sitting!
I'm one of the schlubs stuck working on President's Day; it's not even a holiday on my office calendar! It's not too bad, though; because of the snow earlier this month, all the public schools are having a make up day today, so I don't feel like I'm missing out.
Confessions From A Working Mom
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