Luckily, she hasn't been having any accidents. She does go eventually. But seeing as she'd been holding her BM since Saturday, I did call the doctor and had the unpleasant experience of dealing with suppositories again.
Potty-struggles and resistance are quite normal though, according to the pediatrician. Obviously we have to watch Cate closely because of the constipation issue she had this fall. The struggles can be triggered by just about anything. While it's hard to have a deep conversation with a three-year-old about why she cries when she goes to the bathroom (we've ruled out UTI since she doesn't have a fever and doesn't cry every time she goes), we have our suspicions that it has a lot to do with this little guy:
We're trying to be "chill" about the whole thing. We don't ask her if she needs to go potty; we wait for her to tell us. We keep reminding her that she is a big girl and that we're so proud of her for all of the things she can dance class (pic from phone, sorry):
I feel like a failure and like we're at the beginning of potty training again. I know I'm not and I know we're not, but I can't help the feelings. I'm trying to schedule some extra girl time with my sweet girl in the coming week, but it's hard since Eric is so busy at work right now. I'm hoping that when Eric comes home for lunch tomorrow, we can do something special like go up to the part for a half-hour or go get a cookie at the coffee shop. Maybe Friday evening I'll leave my boys to watch some basketball together and can take her to the bookstore (she's a girl after my own heart). And hopefully soon, all of this will be a distant memory. I mean, she won't cry every time she gets on the potty when she's 13, right?
~Melody :-)
P.S. I'm am currently loving a Danish company called Maileg. It's restaurant week in Cincinnati this week, so Eric and I headed out to Lavomatic last night. Dinner was amazing. We stopped at a cute little shop, Mica 12v, a few doors down from the restaurant after dinner and picked up a couple of gifts for the kids made by Maileg (pics from the cellphone again, or should I say, from my new iPhone...I'm lovin' it). For Cate, a little mouse, whom she has named "Penny" that sleeps in her matchbox:
Praying that things improve with Cate & the potty issues. I bet you've hit the nail on the head, though, about the reason being her little brother! This, too, shall pass - just remember that. ;)
P.S. Love that picture of B!
You and Eric are doing a fabulous job with both the beautiful kiddos. These times seem so trying and so long, don't they!! Hang in there, Mel and I know Big Girl Cate will be right as rain soon. :) See you all this summer!
Thank you for stopping by my blog! Crazy how much we have in common as Cate and Bailey are only a month apart in age! I also understand your potty training saga! Bailey was potty trained in December (so I thought) but recently we have been having lots of accidents. She seems to think it is cute to pee pee on the couch, floor, panties, because that's what babies do. EESH!
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