My one-month post-partum checkup is tomorrow. I haven't really exercised at all since having Brennan because I didn't want to risk undoing any of my stitches from the incision. I'm hoping to get the all clear tomorrow so I can at least get back on the treadmill or the bike trainer once or twice a week. Not that chasing a pre-schooler and tending to a newborn aren't workouts themselves. I did have to get my incision checked about 2 weeks post-partum and was already down about 20 pounds (roughly half of what I gained). Granted, 7 of that was Brennan and a few others of those were all the other lovely things that cause weight loss right after giving birth. The other 20 will be a little harder to lose. I just keep reminding myself that it's a marathon, not a sprint.
With Cate, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight at 10ish weeks post-partum. But I was definitely not in the same pre-pregnancy shape. Some of my clothes didn't really fit again until I quit breastfeeding her when she was a year old. I kind of expect the same this time around too. I wasn't in as great of shape pre-pregnancy this time though (in the months before getting pregnant with Cate, I ran 2 half marathons, 1 full marathon, and countless 5 and 10K races). To be honest, I didn't see much point in spending time away from Cate, at the gym, to get back in shape when I knew we'd have at least one more kid and I'd just have to do it all again. This time though, since I'm pretty sure we're stopping here with two, I think the gym and I might rekindle our relationship. But first, we'll have to see how tomorrow's checkup goes.
~Melody :-)
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