We've been experiencing some pleasant fall-like weather around here recently. In fact, we've been able to turn the air conditioning off for all but 4 of the last 14 days. Some days were downright chilly enough that pants were in order. And it was in putting some pants on Cate that I realized something-- she's grown again.
I know she's tall. She's hovered right around the 90th percentile for height and head circumference (all that brainpower) since birth (weight dropped to about the 70th when she turned one and has stayed there). And I knew she was quickly catching up to our friends' daughter, who is over a year older than her. But I didn't quite realize just how tall until I saw just how short her 2T pants were when I put them on.
Thankfully, we had a stash of 3T clothes in the basement from a generous friend (whose daughter is also tall). Plus, I bought some on sale last fall-- I just didn't think she'd need them until she was well, closer to age 3. Yes, I
do realize she
will be 3 in less than 5 months.

Maybe it's the pigtails. Maybe it's the bigger pants. But I just feel like she's looking so much more grown up recently. Her sentences are getting longer and more complex. She's got several books memorized. She likes to talk about her day before bed and ask questions about everything. She's a sponge who is soaking everything up and growing taller in the process. I don't even know if I'd consider her a "toddler" anymore. Other than not being potty-trained, she pretty much fits the bill for "preschooler" perfectly. My heart swells with pride as I watch her develop into so much more of her own person. But there's still a part of me that thinks it was only yesterday when she was this big:

~Melody :-)
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