By backyard standards, ours really isn't that big. But it is big enough for our peanut and her small swingset. The weather has been downright hot the last few days-- which means extra curls for Cate's hair. So we've been outside going down the slide...

...and taking our shoes off...

...which reveals the cutest little toddler flip-flop tan lines.

In other news-- we had a doctor's appointment last week with the doctor who delivered Cate. I. Love. Her. (Sidenote-- my practice is 7 OB's that you rotate through so you meet them all since you never know who will be in call when you go into labor...but I was excited she was the first one I got to see.) She was so excited that we were having another one. And she reassured me that I would NOT go past my due date this time (caused a few complications for me, not Cate, last time). In fact, she told us I'd be induced on December 20th, if not earlier. I was surprised to hear her say this so early. But at least we know we'll be home with Baby B before Christmas!
Only 9 more days of school and then I get to play stay-at-home-mom for 10 weeks! Who wouldn't want to spend their summer with her?

~Melody :-)
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