Over the weekend, we got together with some good friends of ours who just moved back from Nashville (they're originally from this area) in the spring. We met up at
Young's Jersey Dairy Farm for some fall fun, despite the fact that it ended up being 80 degrees out-- a jump from the weekend before when it barely hit 70.

We spent quite a bit of time feeding the goats. Cate loves feeding animals-- at the zoo, at home with our own pets, anywhere she gets the chance. I swear this girl is going to grow up to be a vet or zoologist or something. She loves animals.

The goats just made my little guy smile. Which makes me smile too.

One goat tried to eat Anna's shirt. She got away.

After eating our picnic lunch, Cate and I launched a pumpkin. This mama, with the help of her sweet girl, totally got it in the basket and one a free homemade ice cream (I chose cow-paddy ice cream-- double dark chocolate with Oreos and toffee).

Next up was a wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch.

We finally found the perfect pumpkin to bring home.

We stopped by Jimmy, Jenny, and Anna's new place on the way home for a diaper change and down time. As soon as we arrived home, we repacked the diaper bag, fed Brennan, and headed out for another farm, east of the city. Some friend's of Eric's parents own the farm and have a big Halloween party every year. Cate went with just her grandparents
last year. This year, we joined in. She checked out the horse with Emmy (my sister-in-law's boyfriend's daughter).

And she had to check out the chickens too.

After the sunset, we piled on for a hayride.

This one was a non-scary one. The kids all yelled "Boo" to the monsters to scare them away. At the end, we heard a Halloween story about how the Jack-o-Lantern came to be.

It was a busy day, but so much fun! Eric's parents kept Cate overnight so that Eric and I (along with little man) could come home and just crash.
Our temperatures have dropped around these parts again. It's wreaking havoc on my sinuses. I wish the fall weather would just stay steady for a few weeks instead of these drastic weeks of 80 degrees one day, 65 degrees the next. Ah...such is life in the Midwest though.
~Melody :-)
Looks like fun. This time of year I really miss living up north!
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