Last Saturday we headed south to Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky. It's just over 2 hours from our house. My
great-aunt (at whose home we have many of our family reunions) lives nearby, so we dropped by for lunch-- an amazing beef stew, colonial corn bread, and buttermilk coconut pie. My grandmother (my great-aunt's sister) came with us and stayed with her sister for a visit, while Eric, the kids, my sister-in-law Kristin, and I headed to the Bridge. Sidenote: We asked someone to take a picture of all of us, but it didn't turn out.
To say it was beautiful would be a bit of an understatement. The picture below is of the Bridge, just before you head up to the top of it on the backside.

The trip up to the top of the Bridge and back is about 1.5 miles. Cate walked about halfway up before she started asking to be carried and we put her the back carrier.

Finally, we got to the top and enjoyed some breathtaking views.

We stayed up there for about 15 minutes, mostly taking pictures, and then headed down. I passed off Brennan in his back carrier to Eric; Cate walked the whole way down. After picking up my grandmother, we headed back home-- just in time for a light dinner, baths, and bed.

It was such a fun fall day trip! I wish I could say that the rest of our weekend and beginning of this week were as peaceful and beautiful as Saturday.
Unfortunately, our sweet boy threw up his dinner at the end of our block party on Sunday. He seemed fine, but 24 hours later, threw up again. He's been getting sick off and on all week. He seemed better today, but threw up after we tried to give him some fruit. Thankfully, he manages to keep breast milk and rice cereal down. The pediatrician has pretty much said that needs to be his diet until he goes more than 24 hours without vomiting. Then we can slowly start re-introducing baby food. I just want my happy guy back. He turned 10 months old on Sunday!

Cate seems to have avoided this little virus, praise God. She was excited to wear her Halloween costume to dance class on Monday night. She makes one cute Abby Cadabby.

Tomorrow night we have a Mommy/Daughter date at Disney-on-Ice (I couldn't resist the CincySavers 2 tickets for $12 total--$6/each-- deal). Here's to hoping little man feels better by the weekend so we can continue to enjoy this beautiful fall season.
~Melody :-)
I hope Cate stays well ... ditto for you and hubby, too! Sounds like such a fun day!
We are going too!! Maybe see you there?
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