We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I apologize to all of our faithful readers. I went back to work this week, so you might have to go a little longer in between posts (at least until summer break). Thankfully, the weather cooperated during my last little bit of time home with Cate. We were able to spend some time at the zoo and sitting outside on the front porch. She has so many cute spring and summer clothes, and I was excited to get her into a few of her outfits this week.
This romper was a present from Jane when I was newly pregnant. :-) I love the "I pulled an all-nighter" on the front, but thankfully Cate doesn't pull any of those.

Going back to work actually wasn't too bad. Of course it's hard to leave her. But I have to keep thinking of the benefits of continuing to work. We can save more for retirement and her college, provide more opportunities for her, and she gets to spend time with family (my grandmother is watching her until school is out) and will learn how to socialize with other kids (she'll be at a sitter with 3 or 4 other kids next school year). And teaching really provides a great schedule...I'm home by 3 (and she doesn't even go to a sitter until 9) and have weekends, summers, and breaks off. It was nice to be back at work after 9 weeks off. The timing is nice too since summer is only 7 weeks away.

Besides mom going back to work this week, Cate had some other things that kept her busy. She had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday too. We're up to 11 pounds, 8 ounces and are 23.5 inches long! Cate had to get shots though. Eric and I are both thankful that she is a good, easy, mellow baby. She was smiling and laughing at the doctor's until they stuck those needles in her thighs. I have never heard her cry so hard...it was awful. I cried right along with her seeing her like that as I held her little hands. It was the first time she actually blinked out tears and had them roll down her face. At least she won't remember it. I hope.

She recovered well though and on Friday she got to meet her grandfather Riggs (Eric's dad) for the first time. He is in the process of moving from Texas to New York and stopped in Cincinnati to visit with us. Here they are:Also, with the on-again/off-again warm weather we've been having, Cate is getting to wear some more of what my mom calls "keepsake clothes". She saved all of the special dresses I wore as a baby- dresses that were handmade by grandmother or really expensive and unique). I was a spring baby though, so Cate is a couple of months older than I was when I wore them and is quickly outgrowing them. But here is a picture of her in a dress and mommy wearing the same one almost 26 years ago.
And finally, for those of you that haven't seen Cate in awhile, I'll leave you with a video of her taken tonight. She's awesome at holding her head up, as you can see. (Remember, if you're reading this post from Facebook, you have to go to our blog site at http://growingupriggs.blogspot.com in order to watch the video.)

~Melody :-)

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Finally!! A new blog:) Great to catch up... I think the pics of you and Cate wearing the same outfit at the same age is incredible... just simply awesome!! I have to call you guys tomorrow.. I have something to tell you!