The long white gown Cate is wearing in the family pictures is the first of many family traditions we are introducing to Cate. I grew up in a church where new babies were christened (baptized) and my grandmother made the gown as a christening gown. My brother, sister, and I all wore it and on the tucks at the bottom of the gown, each of our names, birthdates, and baptism dates are embroidered. Our current church does dedications instead of infant baptism. But Cate still wore the gown and looked adorable. You can kind of see my name embroidered below.

And here I am wearing it as an infant (pictured with my grandma, mom, dad, and grandpa- grandparents are my dad's parents).

Cate's name is now embroidered on the tuck next to my name. When my brother and sister have children of their own, their kids' names will be embroidered on their tuck. Cool huh? My mom also brought down a ton of dresses I wore when I was little (most of them also handmade by my grandmother). We'll post pictures of those as she wears them.

And I have to be a bragging wife and say that Eric's song that he wrote for Cate and played in church for her today was fabulous. We videotaped her dedication, but haven't checked the tape yet to see how it turned out. But if you can't hear him singing, we'll have a repeat performance here at home and we'll try to get it up soon so those of you who couldn't be with us today can here it.
~Melody :-)
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