And I was totally okay with it. I listened to NPR and sipped coffee on my drive. I filled out a bunch of papers (to re-enroll in pretty much everything, which is standard when you take a large chunk of time off). I put my classroom back together (we have to take everything down/put everything away at the end of each year for cleaning purposes). I caught up with some coworkers I haven't seen in awhile. I wrote some lesson plans and looked through professional resources for new ideas. Yes, I missed these two: But I was comforted knowing they were home with their Daddy. I realize that stay-at-home-dads aren't so common and I love that we're unique in this way. I love that my husband stepped up and said he'd rather just be home with our kids than working all day to bring home a paycheck that would go straight to childcare (non-profit work is noble, but the pay stinks). And I'm glad this decision was further affirmed for us when Eric ended up getting laid off. It's been a blessing to have him home all summer.
My first "official" day back isn't until the 19th-- our teacher work day. But with all of the meetings and "catching up" and long lines at the copiers, I don't get much work done on the work day. So I come in a day or two before the work day and get stuff done. The new school supplies, the new ideas I have for my classroom, the new class rosters-- they all excite and energize me. I'll probably go put in one more day before the work day next Friday.
The only downside to going back to work? I have to work a full month before my paychecks start back up (it's just the way the pay periods fall as the district finishes out the pay cycle for last school year). Sidenote: teachers are only paid for the days they work (lest you think they are paid to have summers off). The daily amount a teacher earns is multiplied by 185 (the number of days we are contracted to work) and then spread over 26 pay periods (so we don't have to go without a steady income for the summer). So since I haven't worked since December, I was paid out for what I worked last year and my paychecks don't start again until the new cycle, which falls late this year. End sidenote.
The last 8 months taught me that yes, I could be a stay-at-home-mom if I chose to be one. Previously, I thought I'd go crazy. And I won't lie- it was hard work. But the last 8 months also showed me that I really do like my job-- the one I do outside of our home.
Anyway, it's time to start squeezing in all the last little bits of summer fun we can handle.
~Melody :-)
I am impressed with Eric, too! DH always said he'd want to be a SAHD, but has realized in the past year or so that he couldn't handle it. He -- like you -- likes that "I am a professional" time outside the home. BTW, that is one of the first pictures of Cate that I saw and thought she looked more like you than Eric!
I hope your year is a good one. It is hard to leave your babies, but, remember, it is quality, not quantity that matters. I know you make the most of the time you ha e with them.
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