We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Nice Distraction

Last night we headed out to a park with some friends. It provided a nice distraction from the thoughts swirling in my head about the upcoming school year which starts-- gulp-- tomorrow. It's not that I'm not ready. As this is year 8 for me (year 9 if you count the year I student-taught and then subbed for the rest of the year), I know how to start a school year. I know things tomorrow will go fine with the 106 new students crossing the threshold of my classroom.

Friday was my first "official" day back-- our teacher work day. It was filled with a lot of meetings and I honestly only managed to print out my class lists and start working on a quiz the students will take the third week of school. Good thing I spent a few other days in getting everything ready-- my first two weeks are completely planned and copied.

But still-- there's always that little bit of back-to-school anxiety that clouds my thinking the last weekend before school starts. All of the what-if's that play games in my head. So yes, a picnic was the perfect antidote for all of those crazy thoughts. The view of the Ohio River was beautiful and provided the perfect backdrop. A couple of blocks up from the park-- an ice cream shop. Of course we stopped in to indulge in some cold, sugary goodness. Today brought a busy morning playing with babies (not my own) in the church nursery, followed by a great message about family during church, and lunch out with my three favorite people afterward. This afternoon, we've been taking it easy, getting a few things picked up around the house, and mentally and physically preparing for the week ahead: me for going back to work after 8 months off and Eric for his first full week as a stay-at-home-dad. Although, if the three days I worked at school last week and Eric stayed home are any indication of how things will go, he's going to be fine and our kids are super-lucky.

Happy Sunday to you all. And happy back-to-school time (if you and/or your kids aren't already back)!
~Melody :-)

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