Not to brag or anything, but my little guy can:
- roll over both ways (he prefers to sleep on his tummy now)
- play independently in his exersaucer
- eat rice cereal, apples, bananas, pears, yellow squash, sweet potatoes, prunes, mangoes, and avocados (we tried peaches but their tang makes him gag)-- Mommy and Daddy make all of his food, which has made feeding him so much cheaper-- green veggies are up next, then meats
- nurse like a champ (even in public when he's covered-- he doesn't get distracted)
- reach for things and grab them
- babble like there is no tomorrow
- turns toward people when they call his name
- sit assisted (with a Boppy or in the high chair or with anything else to help prop him up on the sides)
- splash when we play at the pool
- laugh when tickled
- smile ALL the time
As for six month stats, he weighs 18 pounds, 1 ounce (65th percentile) and is 27 inches long (75th percentile). Our pediatrician was incredibly pleased with how well he's doing and with his happy demeanor.
We are so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy in our lives! It's hard to believe that in just six more short months, we'll be celebrating his first birthday!
~Melody :-)
Happy 6 months, B! :) What a cutie you have.
Happy half birthday, Brennan!
I'm "new" to blogging ( and have SO much to learn. But one thing I do know is how to "follow" and "comment". :) I enjoy reading your blog.
I have an almost 4 month old. When I read your blog about your 6 month old (happy b-day!) it reminded me of my little Ryan. He's such a mellow baby and, like yours, cries when he REALLY needs something. What a smile he has! You have a precious family!
So, FYI, TaterTotMom is my BEST friend, her daughter is G's best friend, and her son is GOING to be C's best friend!!! I'm so glad she found you, since she is copying the cloth diaper plan I copied from you!
You will have to post on your "make your own baby food" plan so I can copy that, too!
Happy "un"birthday, Brennan!
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