We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers. - I Thessalonians 1:2

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Little Something New

I'm trying something new- blogging from my phone. I've been scared to try it despite the app being out for awhile. I have no idea why this has scared me so much. I think it's just getting used to something new. So here goes nothin'.
My girl is getting better at riding her bike. We practiced a couple of days this week, but then it got cold, so we haven't been out in a few days. They were predicting some big snow storm last night with 1-3" of snow. This morning it looked like this:
Cate was disappointed it wasn't enough snow to go sledding. So instead we've just been hangin' around this morning. Cate helped Brennan start learning the latch board.
We're also getting ready for Valentine's Day. I bought the kiddos shirts last night- something I've done since Cate's first Valentine's Day.

I couldn't resist picking up some goodies to go with their cards-- Legos for Cate (Daddy loves Legos and will probably have to help her put it together) and Batman and Green Lantern cars for the little guy.

My husband, who knows me oh so well, picked up these comic books for me yesterday-- not for Valentine's Day, just because. I've read installments 1 and 2. These are numbers 3 and 4. 5 isn't out yet. I'm really enjoying them and they're perfect for this sort of snowy, but cold (it's 19 degrees out) weekend.

He's pretty much the greatest!

This morning we let Brennan try coloring. He liked scribbling for about 10 seconds. Then he threw the crayons on the floor.

So here's the deal-- I started this post on the Blogger for iPhone app, but I finished it on the computer. I couldn't figure out how to place the pictures in between text on my phone, so I had to get on the computer to do that. If you know how to do that, please tell me. I also couldn't figure out how to adjst the size of the pictures. All in all though, my first phone blogging experience wasn't so bad.

~Melody :-)

1 comment:

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I love Eric and Brennan's coordinating shirts!